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The New Stuff

19 Images That Show Just How Cool This World Really Is

1. This what glass looks like when it shatters.

2. This machine makes paper airplanes.

3. This is a metal called gallium, it melts in your hand.

4. This app reads and translates text in seconds.

5. This is how springs are made.

6. Here's a tattoo artist at work in slow motion.

7. This guy is crying in space.

8. This is a star being swallowed up by a black hole.

9. Here is what tonic water looks like under a black light.

10. Here's the size of Australia compared to the United States.

11. Here's a bubble freezing.

12. This is 1,000 paintball guns being fired at the same time.

13. When you drop a hammer and a feather at the same time in space, this is what it looks like.

14. Here's 3-D printed metal.

15. This tree was full of pollen.

16. This is what happens when you put tape on frosted glass.

17. This is a slinky as it drops.

18. If Earth had rings like Saturn's, this is what it would look like.

19. This app will do math for you.

H/T: Buzzfeed


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