1. When you legit had no idea how you went over your monthly text limit.
2. When you couldn’t understand what was so awful about wanting Fall Out Boy lyrics tattooed on your arm.
3. When you fought for your own phone line, even after seeing When A Stranger Calls.
5. When you defended your prized collection of illegally downloaded music.
The Montecito Picture Company / Via youtube.com
9. When you were way too busy taking care of your Sims family to do homework.
10. When you were trying to get your DDR on but your parents appeared and made everyone uncomfortable.
NBC / Via fallontonight.tumblr.com
11. When you tried explaining that if Mariah Carey could wear a jersey dress, you could too.
12. When your parents wanted you to “turn that racket down” even though My Chemical Romance was anything but.
MTV / Via uncyclopedia.wikia.com
13. When you demanded an extended curfew so you could have more time to “hang out” at the mall.
Getty Images/BananaStock RF BananaStock
14. When you refused to be blamed for those porn-related pop-ups on the family computer.
youtube.com / Via mrwgifs.com
15. When your parents were less than thrilled about your idolization of Britney Spears.
~It’s Britney Bitch~
16. When you were trying to get your flirt on via AIM and suddenly someone else needed the computer.
18. When your not-so-super Sweet Sixteen didn’t even come close to what you saw on MTV.
MTV / Via tryingnottomakeasound.tumblr.com
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