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The New Stuff

There are Countless Hidden Faces All Around You...Just Look and LOL.

1.) "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

2.) Ahhhhhhhh.....

3.) I swear I didn't forget you!

4.) You're looking a bit...weird.

5.) You'll do a double take when you realize this one...

6.) "Look at what I created!"

7.) Bat-glacier!

8.) Monkeys, monkeys everywhere!

9.) That's one angry kitty.

10.) Grrrrr...

11.) Where's the witch and the wardrobe?

12.) That's a handlebar mustache only a mother grasshopper could love.

13.) You know something I don't?

14.) Yes, that IS a wrecking ball coming towards you.

15.) My. Worst. Nightmare.

16.) This house feels very mellow.

17.) Did we catch you at a bad time?

18.) Whoa...because THAT's normal.

19.) Why so serious?

20.) This dementor apparently doesn't like black clothes.

21.) That hoagie looks amazing.

22.) What's so funny?

23.) "Is the garbage truck here yet?"

24.) ....and finally the winner!

(via Twitter / Lifebuzz)


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