A missing limb, whether lost through trauma, amputation or congenital disorder, can create untold difficulties for the people suffering from these conditions. But the 15 people in these photos show courage (and an excellent sense of humor) by making the best of their difficult situations.
Hopefully, none of our readers will take this as a sign that they can make fun of amputees – the fact that these amputees can put a funny and positive spin on their situation is great, but don’t assume that it’s an invitation for you to laugh about it as well!(h/t: huffpost)
Shark Attack
“When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Awesome Halloween Costumes”
Source: joshsundquist.com
Dolphin Tattoo
Source: imgur
DIY LEGO Prosthesis
Source: imgur
Trolling Kids At The Beach
Source: reddit
The Giant Thumb Tattoo
Image credits: Brad Bako
Clever Use Of A Prosthetic Leg
Source: reddit
Genuine Pirate Costume
Source: imgur
A Literal Tattoo
Source: imgur
Where Have My Muscles Gone!?
Source: imgur
Tribute To The Shark That Bit His Arm Off
Source: imgur
Amputee Husband Receives Gloves And His Wife With Mastectomy Receives Bra
Source: imgur
Piggies Gone To The Market
Source: tattoodo
Genius ‘Christmas Story’ Leg Lamp Costume
Image credits: Ashley P. Ash
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