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The New Stuff

10 Proofs That Only Crazy People Use Public Transport

#1 Just Make Yourself At Home!

Some people tend to feel nervous and overwhelmed when they use public transport, but others have no trouble relaxing and getting comfy, no matter how many people surround them. This is exactly the case of this chilled out dude using the subway.

 #2 Crazy Chick

Sure, everyone’s probably seen a peculiar character or two when travelling via subway, but this crazy chick/dude crosses the limit and simply damages one’s brain. This is exactly why you should always, ALWAYS, buy a car to get around when you start having kids.


#3 Sweet Dreams!

I’ve learned throughout the years that, no matter where in the world you go, there’ll always be that one person who simply doesn’t give a sh*t what other people think.

 #4 Peter Pan

You’re on your way home during rush hour after a long and tiring day at the office, and spend the entire journey with Peter Pan staring into your soul while he performs the splits. Thanks, but I think I’ll walk.

#5 Time Is Money

Okay, everyone on Planet Earth know that a women’s talent is to multi-task… but starting dinner preparation on the subway is just a little bit too much.

#6 Train Sleeper

Travelling for long periods of time can make even the most alert feel sleepy. After seeing this picture, I feel betrayed. Why didn’t they tell us we could use luggage compartments to take a nap in?! WHY??? My luggage now belongs in the seat, and I, in the mighty kingdom that is the luggage compartment.

#7 Stop, Look, WTF?!

There’s something strange in this picture, and it’s not the man kissing the budgie. White chocolate?! Seriously? I’m never using public transport ever again.

#8 Time Machine

Looks like this guy mistook the train for his time machine. Next stop, Battle of Gettysburg!

#9 The Lord Of Rabbits

Excuse me Sir, but give me one good reason why you’ve taken your rabbits on to the bus.

#10 Six Pack Man

Please, do not disturb.


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