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The New Stuff

Earth-Sized UFO Found Near the Sun

The film of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) noticed and captured a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) in the sun. The UFO Sightings Daily states that the government agency of the US spotted an UFO about the size of the earth which was either exiting or entering the region close to the sun.

At the core of the sun, due to the large amount of heat (around 15 million degrees Celsius), nuclear fusion takes place and the heat and radiation moves in outward direction. The coldest part of the sun is called the chromosphere that has temperatures measuring around 4320 degrees Celsius.
SOHO/NASA took picture of the UFO entering the sun’s surface on October 25 at 1:00 a and at 1:13 am. A photo was also posted on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory when the space agency was done capturing the amazing event.
Scott Waring, a regular writer in the UFO Sightings Daily, spotted the UFO in the Sun when he was looking at NASA’s live feed of the Sun called Helioviewer. Images taken in real time by the Solar and Helioscopic Observatory were broadcasted by Helioviewer.
Waring, when talking about the UFO, explained that it he noticed an object emerging from the sun and after looking at the UFO, uploaded pictures of it on UFO Sightings Daily.
Warning stated that the UFO was almost as much as the size of the earth, and also that there were no flames or heat changes observed when the UFO was entering the sun. Furthermore, he said that the UFOs color did not change on the surface, but the sun has many colors.
Some people who are UFO enthusiasts believe that such an even has occurred before as well which has been observed by satellites.


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